URNEX Cafiza Espresso Machine Cleaning Tablets


SKU: 80050059 Categories: , Tags: ,


  • Removes coffee oils from portafilters, brew groups and lines within espresso machines.
  • Compatible with a wide range of household superautomatic and traditional espresso machines.
  • Each tablet is 15.0 mm in diameter and weighs 2.0 g.
  • Each box contains a blister card with 8 tablets


For Use on Automatic Espresso Machines (If the machine has a cleaning program)

Insert one Espresso Machine Cleaning Tablet in specified machine opening.

If the machine does not have a programmed cleaning cycle, but has a pre-ground coffee or bypass chute

1.  Put one Espresso Machine Cleaning Tablet in the pre-ground coffee chute and place a cup under the coffee spout.

2.  Press the button corresponding to brewing with pre-ground coffee.

3.  When half a cup of water has been discharged, switch the appliance off for 5 minutes to let the solution take effect inside of the machine.

4.  Switch the appliance back on again to end the cycle.

5.  Repeat this cycle a minimum of 3 additional times to rinse, but do not add additional tablets to the machine (to ensure that all cleaning solution has come out the machine).

6.  Remove the coffee dispensing unit and rinse it carefully using clean water.

7.  Before using the appliance again, prepare two cups of coffee, by pressing the button corresponding to brewing with pre-ground coffee

Dimensions: W2,5cm, L8,4cm, H13,5cm

Weight (KG): 0,033